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  • Economics/gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree| Robbie Electric Vehicles will set up a new factory in China, with an annual output value of more than US$27 million
gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree| Robbie Electric Vehicles will set up a new factory in China, with an annual output value of more than US$27 million

2024-05-01 editor Views(69)

Luobei Electric Vehicle (LOBOgamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree.US) expressesgamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree, the company's new production base in Wuxi, China has openedgamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree, covering an area of 135gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree, 754 square feet, will begin operations on May 8. The assembly line at the new factory is expected to produce more than US$27 million a year.

gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree| Robbie Electric Vehicles will set up a new factory in China, with an annual output value of more than US million

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