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redbetcasino| Clearing the controversial video, Baidu Vice President Qu Jing denies that she has been fired: I am at work

2024-05-08 editor Views(14)

Special topic: Baidu Vice President of Public Relations buys account to make short video controversial

On May 8, it was rumored that Baidu Vice President Luo Jing had been fired by Baidu. In response, brother Geng Zhige of the Global Times should consult Jing herself on the rumors, and she responded, "I'm at work."

A reporter from thepaper.cn also asked Baidu about the matter, and a Baidu insider replied: "I just saw her go to work."

Jin Jing, a graduate of Foreign Affairs College, was vice president of Huawei's Department of Public and Government Affairs and Minister of Chinese Media Affairs. In August 2021, it was reported that Jing Jing had joined Baidu as a vice president (VP) in charge of the group's public communication department.

A few days ago, Wei Jing caused controversy by posting multiple videos on her personal Douyin account, and a number of related topics went viral on Weibo. In the video, Xi Jing claimed that she had written 300 report letters by employees, while she said that "most of the content in the letter was libel and fiction." In addition, Jing Jing also talked about her management experience. "when employees break up and offer to leave, why should they consider their families?" I'm not her mother-in-law, and my main concern isRedbetcasinoCan he deliver the results to me in time in his post? "

The discussion of video content in the outside world has further risen to Baidu's values due to the public opinion caused by the excessive intensity of what Li Jing said in the video. Some analysts also pointed out that several videos released by Luo Jing have an element of "leading war", which is a routine method for the rapid rise of personal IP of the parties involved in non-hot events, and is common in Weibo, Wechat official account, Baijia account, Douyin and so on.

redbetcasino| Clearing the controversial video, Baidu Vice President Qu Jing denies that she has been fired: I am at work

On May 7, Jin Jing emptied all the videos on Douyin.

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