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  • Lifestyle/scratchmit| Hekang Xinneng: Accepted research from Pacific Securities and other institutions
scratchmit| Hekang Xinneng: Accepted research from Pacific Securities and other institutions

2024-05-09 editor Views(20)

Every AI newsletterScratchmit, he Kangxineng (300048) (SZ 300048, closing price: 5Scratchmit.35 yuan) issued a notice saying that on May 9, 2024, he Kangxin was able to accept research by Pacific (601099) Securities and other institutions. The company's chairman, general manager Lu Jianfeng, director, deputy general manager, financial director Chen Ziqiang, deputy general manager, Secretary of the Board Liu Chengsi, and securities affairs representative Shao Chi participated in the reception and answered questions raised by research institutions.

From January to December 2023, the operating income of Hekang Xinneng is composed of: high-end manufacturing industry accounts for 43%Scratchmit.47%, new energy accounts for 42.9%, and environmental protection accounts for 13.63%.

As of press time, the market capitalization of he Kangxineng is 6 billion yuan.

Daoda1997 "individual Stock trend" reminder:

1. In the past 30 days, the northward capital holding of Hekang Xinneng has increased by 1.7072 million shares, accounting for 0.16% of the outstanding shares.

two。 No organization has conducted a survey on Hekangxineng in the past 30 days.

Every headline (nbdtoutiao)-will be removed from NASDAQ and sued by landlord one after another. Jia Yueting announced: want to be an "Internet celebrity" to pay off debts, save FF, but also want to serve as co-CEO! FF response: no consideration for appointmentScratchmithe

(reporter Zeng Jianhui)

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scratchmit| Hekang Xinneng: Accepted research from Pacific Securities and other institutions

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