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  • Lifestyle/powerballresultsonly| Hangzhou's two Urban area issued a new round of car purchase subsidies totaling 70 million yuan
powerballresultsonly| Hangzhou's two Urban area issued a new round of car purchase subsidies totaling 70 million yuan

2024-05-13 editor Views(13)

News summary

[Hangzhou's two Urban area issued a new round of car purchase subsidies totaling 70 million yuan] Securities Times e Company NewspowerballresultsonlyHangzhou announced that recently, Xiaoshan Strict and Linping District of Hangzhou launched a new round of car purchase subsidies in 2024, with a total subsidy of 70 million yuan.

Newsletter text

[Hangzhou's two Urban area issued a total of 70 million yuan in new car purchase subsidies] Securities Times e Company News, Hangzhou announced that recently, Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Strict and Linping District launched a new round of car purchase subsidies in 2024, with a total subsidy of 70 million yuan.

powerballresultsonly| Hangzhou's two Urban area issued a new round of car purchase subsidies totaling 70 million yuan

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