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crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitch| CCB: Continuously improving innovation in the supply chain is the most important path for brand value growth

2024-05-09 editor Views(25)

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On May 9, on the eve of the eighth "China Brand Day", Chengdu Media Group and Shenzhen newspaper Group as guiding units, jointly sponsored by the Daily Economic News and Shenzhen Business Daily, and the Chinese Enterprise Research Center of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University provided academic support.Crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitchThe "2024 eighth Brand value list of Chinese listed companies Conference" was held in Shenzhen.

The theme of this conference is "brand vitality and new quality growth". At the meeting, the "2024 Brand value list of Chinese listed companies" series was solemnly unveiled, and Jianfa shares were honored in the "2024 Brand value list of Chinese listed companies TOP100". On topics related to brand value and new quality productivity, Jianfa shares (SH600153, share price 10Crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitch.03 yuan with a market capitalization of 301Crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitch(.31 billion yuan) was interviewed by a reporter from the Daily Economic News.

"in a new stage of brand economy, by continuously improving the supply chainCrashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitchInnovation and sustainability can not only enhance consumers' awareness and trust in Jianfa brand, but also reflect the brand's social responsibility and vision, which is very important to promote the growth of Jianfa brand value. " Jianfa shares said.

Continuously improve the innovation and sustainability of the supply chain to ensure the growth of brand value

Jianfa shares said that in the new stage of the brand economy, for supply chain operators such as Jianfa shares, the most important way to promote the growth of brand value is to continuously enhance the innovation and sustainability of the supply chain. Supply chain as an important bridge between production and consumption, its efficiency, transparency and the performance of environmental and social responsibility directly affect the brand image and market competitiveness.

Jianfa shares believe that "innovation-driven efficiency improvement" and "sustainable development highlight brand responsibility" are its important brand building contents in recent years.

In recent years, Jianfa has actively explored the application of new generation technologies such as Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of things and automation in supply chain services. Through the enabling of science and technology, the company has greatly improved the efficiency of supply chain operation and management, realized the accurate allocation of supply chain resources, accelerated the production rhythm, promoted the production efficiency, improved the response speed of each link, and strengthened the ecological integration of the industrial chain. this helps to build a safer and resilient supply chain system and help manufacturing enterprises to speed up the development of new productivity.

Jianfa shares said that by building industrial Internet platforms such as "Pulp Yitong", "Paper Source Network", "Jianfa Yungang" and "Agricultural E-Point", to provide customers with one-stop services in the supply chain, such as market information, intelligent logistics, process online, supply chain management system, efficiently connect partners and improve the circulation efficiency of the industrial supply chain. Through science and technology empowerment, not only save operating costs, but also improve customer satisfaction, so as to promote the continuous growth of the brand value of Jianfa shares.

At the same time, in recent years, Jianfa shares uphold the brand concept of "professional common progress", integrate the way of sustainable creation of social value into commercial value, pursue the maximization of comprehensive economic, social and environmental value, and better fulfill its social responsibility.

Jianfa continues to invest in R & D and innovative application of digital technology, deeply integrates digital solutions with the development of traditional industries, makes digitization a solution to promote carbon neutrality, and enables traditional industries to achieve green transformation; the company continues to explore the design and research and development of sustainable products such as green materials and green buildings, and promotes the sustainable development of human settlements with green concepts. Carry out the business of green circular economy, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, help the construction of the national green and low-carbon circular development economic system, layout the new energy track, and vigorously develop supply chain operation services upstream and downstream of the new energy industry chain. to provide service solutions for many links of the new energy industry chain. " Jianfa shares said.

In addition, Jianfa shares have incorporated the development requirements of SDGs into the framework of corporate sustainable development, and have disclosed corporate ESG reports for three consecutive years, showing the company's efforts and performance in environmental, social and corporate governance to stakeholders, contributing to global economic development and the stability of the industrial chain supply chain, so that more people can live a better quality of life.

Brand vitality can stimulate the innovative spirit of enterprises.

Jianfa shares believe that brand vitality refers to the state in which a brand remains active, vibrant and progressive, which is essential to the sustainable development of the enterprise. Brand vitality is reflected not only in the communication between enterprises and customers, but also in the internal culture and innovation of the enterprise. A dynamic brand can stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, attract talents and promote the enterprise to continue to move forward.

"the supply chain is an important link between production and consumption. As a supply chain operator, Jianfa shares actively promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain supply chain and enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain supply chain." Jianfa shares said.

As for the relationship between new quality productivity and brand vitality, Jianfa shares believe that there are three levels that can be analyzed, namely, brand vitality to promote innovation, new quality productivity to enhance brand image and mutual promotion of competitiveness.

crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimeswitch| CCB: Continuously improving innovation in the supply chain is the most important path for brand value growth

"dynamic brands are more willing to invest resources in R & D and innovation, enhance new quality productivity through technological innovation or service innovation, and then open up markets and enhance competitiveness." Jianfa shares said.

At the same time, Jianfa believes that through new quality productivity, such as the optimization of the supply chain, products will reach customers with faster and higher quality, which will directly enhance customers' positive awareness and loyalty to the brand, thereby enhancing brand vitality. Brand vitality can continuously improve the new quality productivity through continuous market activities and the cultivation of innovative culture. The improvement of new quality productivity can feed the brand image through market performance and customer evaluation, and form a virtuous circle.

"Brand vitality and new productivity are mutually reinforcing and complementary. Brand vitality can stimulate the innovative spirit of enterprises and promote enterprises to continuously pursue new productivity; new productivity can in turn enhance the brand's market competitiveness and further enhance brand vitality. Therefore, CCB has always attached great importance to brand building and improving innovation capabilities to achieve a virtuous cycle of brand vitality and new productivity." Construction Development shares said.

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