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neogeomvs| China Consumers Association: Relevant laws, regulations and standards for Live streaming eCommerce and new online marketing need to be improved

2024-05-27 editor Views(21)

News summary

[China Consumers Association: Live streaming eCommerce, new online marketing, etc.neogeomvsRelevant laws, regulations and standards need to be improved] Securities Times News, according to the website of China Consumers Association, on May 27, China Consumers Association released the "Annual Report on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests in China (2023)" in Beijing. The annual report pointed out that whenneogeomvs...

neogeomvs| China Consumers Association: Relevant laws, regulations and standards for Live streaming eCommerce and new online marketing need to be improved

Newsletter text

[China Consumers Association: Relevant laws, regulations and standards for Live streaming eCommerce, new online marketing, etc. need to be improved] Securities Times News, according to the China Consumers Association website, on May 27, China Consumers Association released the "China Consumer Rights Protection Status Annual Report (2023)" in Beijing. The annual report pointed out that there are still six outstanding problems in my country's current consumer rights protection work. First, legislation related to consumer credit in the financial sector is relatively lagging behind, and consumers 'basic rights and interests such as right to know, right to privacy, right to cancel, and right to repay loans in advance need of better legal protection. Second, the supply of consumer rights protection systems in new consumption areas such as digital consumption is still insufficient. Consumption in areas such as smart terminals, smart homes, driverless driving, digital human services, generative artificial intelligence services, metaverse virtual scenarios, blind box operations, etc., needs to accelerate the construction of the legal system. Third, new food production and operation models such as prefabricated vegetables need to be tightened. Problems such as stale ingredients, insufficient taste restoration, serious product homogenization, low branding, and imperfect standards have caused concerns among consumers. Fourth, there are many "overlord clauses" in medical beauty contracts, marketing "routines" to consumers, and problems such as "black institutions and black doctors" that lead to "beauty" becoming "disfigurement". It is urgent to improve normalized supervision. Fifth, the methods of electronic fraud are constantly being renovated in the context of digitalization. AI portraits of "precise fraud" and small multiple frauds make it impossible for consumers to guard against it. It is urgent to increase full-chain governance and effectively improve consumers 'awareness and ability to prevent fraud. Sixth, relevant laws, regulations and standards for Live streaming eCommerce, new online marketing, etc. need to be improved. Some platform data fraud, vulgar "bringing goods", and inducing private transactions need to be stepped up. Proofread by: Wang Jincheng

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