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  • Literature/crashteamracingplaystation| Long Lide: It plans to invest 700 million-1.1 billion yuan in the construction of a cultural science and technology park project
crashteamracingplaystation| Long Lide: It plans to invest 700 million-1.1 billion yuan in the construction of a cultural science and technology park project

2024-05-27 editor Views(24)

News summary

[Long Lidecrashteamracingplaystation: Plans to invest 700 million-1.1 billion yuan in the construction of a cultural science and technology park project] Securities Times e Company News, Long Lide (300883) announced on the evening of May 27 that the company and the Anhui Mingguang Economic Development Zone Management Committee recently signed the "Investment Agreement", agreeing that the company plans to approve the approval of the wholly-owned subsidiary Longcrashteamracingplaystation.crashteamracingplaystation..

Newsletter text

[Long Lidecrashteamracingplaystation: Plans to invest 700 million-1.1 billion yuan in the construction of a cultural science and technology park project] Securities Times e Company News, Longlide (300883) announced on the evening of May 27 that the company and the Anhui Mingguang Economic Development Zone Management Committee recently signed the "Investment Agreement", agreeing that the company plans to invest and build a cultural science and technology park project in Anhui Mingguang Economic Development Zone through its wholly-owned subsidiary Longlide Cultural Technology Co., Ltd., with a total planned investment of approximately 700 million-1.1 billion yuan.

crashteamracingplaystation| Long Lide: It plans to invest 700 million-1.1 billion yuan in the construction of a cultural science and technology park project

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