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2024-05-06 editor Views(16)

News summary

SaiMicroelectronics: Swedish production line production capacity has increased several times compared with before the acquisition Securities Times e Company Newsjackpot365SaiMicroelectronics stated on the interactive platform on May 5 that the characteristics and strengths of the Swedish production line lie in process development and pilot trials. The proportion of process development business has always been high, and its capacity utilization rate in 2023 will be 4.jackpot365...

Newsletter text

SaiMicroelectronics: The production capacity of the Swedish production line has increased several times compared with before the acquisition. Securities Times e Company News, SaiMicroelectronics stated on the interactive platform on May 5 that the characteristics and strengths of the Swedish production line are process development and pilot trials, and process development The proportion of business has been high. Its capacity utilization rate in 2023 is 46.87%, which is similar to the level before the acquisition. However, the production line production capacity has increased several times compared with before the acquisition, which is also the main reason for its continued growth in revenue and profits. In addition, in response to the rumor that "Cylex Microsystems Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. recently delayed the payment of wages by one month and only paid 70% of the basic salary," Cylex Microelectronics responded that the information was not true; the company's parent company and employees of domestic and foreign subsidiaries are paid on schedule.


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