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freedoublebonusvideopoker|Cipholio Ventures林晋:现在处于加密货币牛市的中下半场

2024-05-06 editor Views(11)

Special topic: Buffett shareholders' meeting 2024 Sino-American investor reception

In the afternoon of May 4, local time, hosted by Sina FinanceFreedoublebonusvideopokerThe 9th Buffett shareholders' meeting was held at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Omaha. The reception was the largest and most influential investor exchange event during Buffett's shareholders' meeting. Investment elites, leaders of Chinese public and private equity funds and securities firms, and executives of listed companies attended the meeting, which opened a high-quality dialogue.

freedoublebonusvideopoker|Cipholio Ventures林晋:现在处于加密货币牛市的中下半场

'We are in a cryptocurrency bull market, but in the middle and second half of the bull market, we will be affected by many external factors, 'said Lin Jin, director of portfolio management at Cipholio Ventures.

Lin Jin recalled Buffett's negative views on cryptocurrencies: in 2017, Mr. Buffett said that you cannot value Bitcoin because it is an asset that does not generate value. In 2018, he said that Bitcoin is likely to be the square of rat poison, not only doubling its toxicity, but also adding a square. It was said in 2022 that if you were to give me all the bitcoins in the world and sell it for $25, I wouldn't want it either.

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