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  • Literature/activisionblizzardblockchain|保立佳:公司拟回购不超过200.00万股公司股份

2024-05-07 editor Views(15)

Baolijia (301037) issued a share buyback announcement on May 7th.ActivisionblizzardblockchainThe company plans to complete this share repurchase plan from May 7, 2024 to April 25, 2025, and the repurchase price does not exceed 19.Activisionblizzardblockchain.00 yuan per share, the total repurchase amount shall not exceed RMB 3800ActivisionblizzardblockchainRMB .0 million, if the full repurchase is calculated according to the upper limit of the total repurchase amount and the price of the repurchased shares, it is estimated that the number of shares that can be repurchased will not exceed 2 million, and the maximum number of shares to be repurchased will account for 2.0% of the total share capital of the company.ActivisionblizzardblockchainThe number of shares actually repurchased at the expiration of the repurchase period or upon termination of the repurchase shall prevail.

The announcement said that based on confidence in the future development of the company and recognition of the value of the company, in order to effectively safeguard the interests of shareholders and enhance investor confidence, while improving the company's long-term incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, effectively combine the interests of shareholders, the interests of the company and the interests of employees. According to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the company plans to use its own funds to buy back some of the RMB common shares (A shares) issued by the company through centralized bidding, and all the repurchased shares will be used for the implementation of employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives.


The stock symbol is abbreviated as the buyback shares on the date of the announcement. The latest maximum repurchase price per share (unit: yuan) the total amount of funds to be repurchased (unit: ten thousand yuan) the maximum number of shares to be repurchased (unit: ten thousand shares) the maximum number of shares to be repurchased accounts for 301037 of the total share capital of the company. May 7, 2024, 19003800.00200.02%
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